| News for 1999 2000 News Archive - November 17th 1999: The Cat's website is moved to the newly created blert.net. A quick update and cleanup occurs at the same time. The Surreal Sign section is removed as it was never updated. I just found a roll of film from the ill-fated Toronto trip this past Febuary, I will scan the pics once I have a chance to have it developed.
- September 14th 1999: New photos in the new pics section. The Cat is still parked at my parents.
- August 1st 1999: Well, the brake parts were installed, and I found the source of the overheating problem, the head gaskets in the motor are shot. At 186,000 miles it's not worth fixing the motor, and so I am on the lookout for a cheap junkyard replacement. This does however mean that barring a sudden influx of funds from other sources, The Cat will not be back on the road at any time in the near future.
- July 15th 1999: $230. worth of brake parts are sitting in The Cat awaiting this weekend when I plan to have a three day thrashfest in hopes of getting her street legal for the Falcon Ridge Folk Fest. If she's registered in time The Purple Dragon will acompany her as a chase vehicle, if not we'll tow The Cat with The Purple Dragon.
- June 28th 1999: Repair work has begun on The Cat, thus far all that has happened is that a new battery has been installed and she's been fired up again. The insurance check should cover the brake work, and cooling system repairs, however she'll need much more work before she is fully road worthy again.
- June 15th 1999: I have heard from the insurance company of the guy who hit The Cat back in Febuary, they are willing to pay for half of the damages. This works out to around $250, which might be enough to fix the cooling system and get the brakes replaced. Which brings The Cat that much closer to being back in full running condition.
- May 24th 1999: I apologise for not keeping this page up to date, but I've been way too busy to. I've moved to a new place (Guildhouse), gotten another car (The Purple Dragon), and The Cat has been pulled off the road. The overheating that occured in March continues to plague her, even after having most of her cooling system checked and/or replaced. I addition the other repairs she needs were making her a danger on the road. As of now The Cat is in storage at my parents awaiting these repairs. They will have to wait until I actually have some extra cash with which to do said repair work. One thing that is planned for her is that she will make an appearence at the Falcon Ridge Folk Fest, whether she will be driven or towed there is still to be seen.
- March 16th 1999: The Cat is mobile again. Total cost $71 for towing, $67 for repairs, $20 for new battery. *sigh* Oh well, at least she's running again. On an unrelated note, cashiers look at you really funny when you buy 10 boxes of lime Jell-O at 11pm.
- March 15th 1999: The Cat overheats on the highway on the way home from work during a snow storm. A guy gives me a lift home, and when I go back a few hours later to see if I can patch The Cat back together enough to limp home, she's not there. Turn out she was towed by the police, and when I go to pick her up at the garage the battery is dead as well from having the hazards on. As of now she's at the garage waiting for a mechanic to look at her. Will keep you updated...
- March 8th 1999: This News page is started to keep ppl updated on this website, and the life of The Cat.
- March 5th 1999: The Cat gets some badly needs new front tires. No more 'Aqua-Skid Sliders' on her.
- Febuary 26th 1999: On the way back from Toronto The Cat was involved in a fender-bender just off I-90 in Lee Massachusetts. I was driving through a parking lot and a guy pulled out in front of me. THe headlight and turn signal on the driver's side where damaged, and the hood and fender were dented. Right now the insurance companies are fighting it out. I'll keep you posted.
- Febuary 21st 1999: While at a meeting of the Toronto Poly Group, The Cat was broken into. They smashed the rear passenger door window, took the CB radio, portable CD player, most of my CD's and my backpack. The backpack contained my lifebook, two of the rolls of film from my roadtrip, my notes from the trip, my signed picture of Ani Difranco, and tons of other things of no value to anyone but me. The saddest thing is, I would have gladly given them the CB and CD player to avoid losing the backpack, CD's and the damage to The Cat. Among the Cd's lost where *All* my Ani Difranco (every CD she ever put out), *All* my Moxy Fruvous, Both my Arlo Guthrie "Alice's Resturant" CD's, and several others.
- Febuary 20th 1999: Frucon II. Got to meet a bunch of Fruheads, recieved tons of compliments on The Cat. Had a bunch of fun. Story to follow eventually.
- Febuary 19th 1999: After getting out of work at 5am, I embarked on a 12 hour RoadTrip to Toronto to visit My Beloved, and to got to FruCon II and a Moxy Fruvous concert. Along the way I visited the actual 'Alice's Resturant' in Stockbridge MA, 'The Land Of Broken Dreams' just off I-90 in upstate NY, 'The Salt Museam' (which was closed), and the home of Righteous Babe Records (Ani Difranco's own record label) in Buffalo. Sadly the notes and most of the pictures where stolen two days later, some of the story and the remaining pictures to follow eventually.