Here are images from the artcar artist's party on Friday night. The party was held at Freeloop Studios, and at the White Electric Cafe next door.
All of these images are quite large, you have been warned.
The aeroCar 600 arrives from Kansas in it's van.
View of the party from the street.
The Magnet truck arrives from Baltimore, MD.
Dragonfly's Shlow Moe.
SeaFlower arrives after treking all the way from Nova Scotia.
Topcat arrives, with Whimsy in tow.
The artcar artists, and many locals got together for a very enjoyable party.
This Jetta arrived as an all white car, the owner stated he wanted to be in the parade, and asked us to paint his car.
At some point or another, virtually everyone put brush to car. And those paints are the same ones used to paint the Freeloop bus, so it's quite permanent!
The party lasted into the night, and gave people a chance to get aquainted. Eventually the cars where moved to Exchange street, and people drifted off to sleep.
Go on to Saturday Morning
Rhode Rally 2000