Progress on the $150 1960 utility trailer

Picking up where I left off, my partner scrubbed the entire exterior with Simple Green & a Scotchbrite pad. She got some of the white paint off and all of the grime & moss, but it still looks like hell.

While she was at that I cut off the old coupler and safety chains, ground down & repainted the tongue, and installed new ones. The first foot is restored, now I just have to keep working backwards. I also started running new wiring.

I also used some spare brackets that came with the new coupler to make some trailer light mounts. Still need to drill holes to mount the lights to them.

I need to run the wiring & install the lights, then locate some better tires and it will at least be safely towable.

Cost so far:

$150 – Trailer

$35 – coupler

$25 – chains, bolts, links

$1 – scotchbrite pad

$0 – trailer wiring loom(from spares box)

$0 – tail light bracket(spare coupler brackets)

Total: $211

3 thoughts on “Progress on the $150 1960 utility trailer

  1. Pingback: $150 utility trailer progress report #2 | Improbable Garage

  2. Hey I have a question, I have a trailer just like that one. My question is are they worth anything? I can’t find any like it other than yours. So I thought I would attempt to reach out and hopefully get a reply. I want to sell mine but have no idea what they’re worth if anything. Right now I’m just using it as tool storage but would rather sell it instead of letting it waste away because I don’t even have a truck to pull it. Its in good shape. If you could help I would be grateful. You can reach me at kidoutlaw2000@gmail. Or Or text me at (864) 402-4035. Thanks

    • No clue really. This one was worth very little, but as you can see it was in terrible shape. It is a very niche thing so finding a buyer might be difficult.

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